What should I bring? : Your body (req), long ethernet cable (helpful), a crt monitor (giga-chad). Folding tables, power strips, etc also all help.
Can I crash there? : Yeah of course. Though might wanna bring a pillow. There's some hotels near by for pretty cheap if you want some space as well
What games we playing? : Open to suggestions! I be loading the machines with CS1.6, AOEII, UT, W3, and Halo 1 and some racer to be determined. I have a suggestion sheet in the rsvp form, we could probably get anything from gog.com running!
Prizes? What Prizes? : They won't be shit I can tell you that. But they may require you to beat Daniel Seitz at literally any RTS, of test your oblivion character creation skills
Can I bring my pc?: Yes! Everything we will be playing will run relatively anything that can run windows 10.